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Genuine Panasonic Shaver Parts - Outer Foil, Inner Blades

WES9600 6-Blade Shaving Head
WES9600 6-Blade Shaving Head

  Panasonic 6-Blade Shavers Only!

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WES9600 Shaving Head Assy.

WES9177 Outer Foil
WES9177 Outer Foil

WES9170 Inner Blades
WES9170 Inner Blades

Panasonic 5-Blade with SmartLock:

WES9177 Foil

WES9170 Blades

WES9175 Outer Foil
WES9175 Outer Foil

WES9170 Inner Blades
WES9170 Inner Blades

5-Blade with SmartLock:

WES9175 Foil

WES9170 Blades

WES9173 Outer Foil
WES9173 Outer Foil

WES9170 Inner Blades
WES9170 Inner Blades

5-Blade Cutting System:
ES-LV97, ES-LV95, ES-LV81, ES-LV67, ES-LV65,

WES9173 Foil

WES9170 Blades

MultiFlex 3D
WES9089 Outer Foil
WES9068 Inner Blades
WES9068 Inner Blades

MultiFlex 3D:

WES9089 Foil

WES9068 Blades

WES9167 Outer Foil
WES9167 Outer Foil

WES9068 Inner Blades
WES9068 Inner Blades

ES-RF Series:
ES-RF41, ES-RF31, ES-LF51

WES9167 Foil

WES9068 Blades

WES9165 Outer Foil
WES9165 Outer Foil

WES9068 Inner Blades
WES9068 Inner Blades

Panasonic Arc-4:
ES-LA93, ES-LA92, ES-LA83, ES-LA82, ES-LA63

WES9165 Foil

WES9068 Blades

WES9161 Outer Foil
WES9161 Outer Foil

WES9068 Inner Blades
WES9068 Inner Blades

ES8249, ES8243

WES9161 Foil

WES9068 Blades

WES9065 Outer Foil
WES9065 Outer Foil

WES9068 Inner Blades
WES9068 Inner Blades

ES8993, ES8992, ES8801, ES8196, ES8195, ES8191, ES8176, ES8175, ES8171, ES8168, ES8167, ES8164, ES8163, ES8162, ES8161, ES8807S

WES9065 Foil

WES9068 Blades

WES9087 Outer Foil
WES9087 Outer Foil

WES9068 Inner Blades
WES9068 Inner Blades

Multi Fit Arc-3:
ES8109, ES8103, ES8101, ES-GA40, ES-GA21, ES-LL41, ES-LL21, ES-LT71, ES-LT41, ES-LT33, ES-LT2B, ES-RT97, ES-RT77, ES-RT67, ES-RT53, ES-RT47, ES-RT33, ES-ST25, ES-SL83, ES-SL41

WES9087 Foil

WES9068 Blades

WES9063 Outer Foil
WES9063 Outer Foil

WES9064 Inner Blades
WES9064 Inner Blades

ES8152, ES8097, ES8096, ES8095, ES8094, ES8093, ES8092

WES9063 Foil

WES9064 Blades

WES9085 Outer Foil
WES9085 Outer Foil

WES9064 Inner Blade
WES9064 Inner Blade

2-Blade Wet-Dry:
ESRT81, ESRT51, ESRT31 ESRT30, ES8816, ES8815, ES8088, ES8078, ES8077, ES8076, ES8075, ES8048, ES8047, ES8046, ES8044, ES8043, ES8042, ES7115, ES7112, ES7111, ES7058, ES7056, ES7047, ES7046, ES7043, ES7037, ES7036, ES7035, ES7109, ES7103, ES7101, ES6013, ES6003

WES9085 Foil

WES9064 Blades

WES9077 Outer Foil
WES9077 Outer Foil

WES9070 Inner Blades
WES9070 Inner Blades

Linear Series:
ES881SS, ES8068, ES8067, ES8066, ES8065, ES8036, ES8033, ES8026, ES8025, ES8024, ES8023, ES8019, ES8018, ES8017, ES7801, ES7027, ES7026, ES7025, ES7024, ES7018, ES7017, ES7016, ES7015, ES7008, ES7006, ES7003, ES7002, ES883, ES882, ES881, ES766, ES765, ES762

WES9077 Foil

WES9070 Blades

WES9835 Outer Foil
WES9835 Outer Foil

WES9850 Inner Blades
WES9850 Inner Blades

ProCurve Series:
ES4815, ES4036, ES4033, ES4027, ES4026, ES4025, ES4012, ES4011, ES4001, ES4000, ES805, ES761, ES728, ES727, ES726, ES725, ES724, ES723, ES722, ES718, ES712, ES-RW30

WES9835 Foil

WES9850 Blades

WES9941 Outer Foil
WES9941 Outer Foil

WES9942 Inner Blades
WES9942 Inner Blades

ES3833 Travel:
ES3833, ES3831, ES3830, ES3041, ES3040, ES3001, ES876, ES874, ES843, ES815, ES386, ES385, ES366, ES365, ES364, ES-SA40

WES9941 Foil

WES9942 Blades

Purchase Panasonic WES4L03 Special Detergent & WES035 HydraClean Cartridges here.

Panasonic Electric Razor Parts - Inner Blades, Outer Foils